Thursday, March 24, 2011

rain rain go aw-something or other

  so it has been a while since my last post, been busy as well as lazy but have thought of all kinds of stuff for posting.  but here i am on a horribly rainy day and having lost my voice a couple days back, i have found my self writing much more as it is the only way i am able to communicate.  been using the wordpad on the computer to speak to folks, is interesting and says things like:

  so lots of rain makes it hard to wanna get out there and ride, waiting with bike in hand for that next moment of clear skies, or even that moment with no water falling out of it, waiting for spring to spring. as we sit waiting and getting fatter, tho Jason swears he is losing weight while having dreams about food and eating. 
  will defiantly be posting much more in the coming months.  product review, book reviews, and general goings on are in the works.  till then, ride safe and ride happy!!