Tuesday, December 28, 2010

best thing i have seen on the web all day

the best thing i have seen on the web today is not a bike, but is on a bike page...

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ahhh, put a smile on my face, found it on
http://www.peterwhitecycles.com/index.html, an amazing site full of tons of stuff that i really really want.

hmmm, what else...

i had seen ads for this on the web, and it looked super cool.  seeing the video is not quite the same as being there but is pretty cool.     http://www.bikerumor.com/2010/12/24/pov-video-riding-the-bilenky-junkyard-cyclocross-course/

thats about it.. didnt say it was an exciting day. thanks for reading!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

East Bay Family Fun Ride, AKA; CX ride to hell and back in the pit of doom

 The Bent Spoke is Proud to announce it first annual Albany Bulb D.N.D.C.X.R.  We are proud to sponsor this event in any way that we can including but not limited to; participation, adult beverage transportation, a possible donation of some sort of "useless or unsellable crap" to the "prize table", and of course our never ending adoration to those that did what we were unable to accomplish by actually getting off their asses, going out and riding, and putting this whole thing together.  you are the real hero, you know who you are... Moustaches be damned!!!  for we will be there with fake ones on our ugly mugs.

please come out and join us for a good cause, and for fun, and for all the angel's and Santa and Hanukkah Harry and Kwanzaa-bot and the rest..  oh, and Timm's 33rd birthday is Monday the 13th, he may still be partying on the 19th and this could be a good time to laugh at his level of fitness and/or dedication

Sunday, November 21, 2010

3 followers!! woohoo, we in the big time now!  is funny that i put forth more time promoting the shop than my other personal endeavor's, but then again i don't get paid for those.  so whats new here @ the Spoke?  we have a ton of used bikes again, is good after not having many for a while.  with the rain comming we are gearing up for the winter commuter needs, fenders and lights and such.  on a personal note we have 2 new additions to the shop.  Jamie has joined us from Sacramento for weekend help, and due to the loss of our coffee maker we are now proudly using a lovely little electric espresso machine that is keeping us throughly jacked up.

and there it is, quite a sight no?  we weren't really completely aware that it needed to be cleaned regularly but have moved past this and it seems to be working out great.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Bent Spoke is finally on the web!!!

   yes yes, we are finally here, the brave new world that is the internet.  this is a new thing right?  so we must be at the front of the pack already.  website... whats that?  well, that will be coming soon and this is a good place to start.  planning on using this for notices, sale stuffs, and goings ons in the bike industry, races and such.  hope all who read can enjoy!